Holocaust Reflections



In this Holocaust lesson I have learned that just because one person or thing is bad does not mean that all things are bad. Hitler thought that because one Jew was bad, that all of them were. For example, I once thought that because my old dog bit me, that all of my dogs would bite me, so I left them alone! Now I know that, that one dog was just having a bad day I guess!   In the end, I learned that I will not judge or assume about anything without knowing about it first.


My second lesson learned would be to do what you believe in. Hitler wanted to be an artist, his mother encouraged that but his father had no faith. He stuck to being an artist, went to art school, and was told by his teacher to give up because he had no talent. This has never happened to me, but I would say to be careful because if that happened to me I would probably feel like I had no talent or anything!   All in all, I have learned to stick to what I believe in no matter what people think.