Author Archives: ebueno
NanoWrimo Showcase
2nd Period Nanowrimo Showcase Slideshow
Nanowrimo Showcase 2nd Period English–Mrs. Velde
Linear Equations on Desmos
In math class we created an image using linear equations and plotted them on a graph. If you would like to view my image, you can click on this link and use the equations to make the image.
Reading Log Project
Thank You Teacher!
After hiding the “books”
Where no one ever looks,
We rushed off to class
As if we were competing,
In a 100-meter dash!
Then out of nowhere,
Squeal! Bark! Crash! Yip-Yip! Bang!
Oh no! I completely forgot to turn down the baby monitors!!
I also forgot to close the cage door after Chloe gave them food…
And at that moment,
The teacher had realized
There was a sound.
Who was it?
What was it?
I held myself,
As if I looked sick.
Then I saw Chloe
Next to her was Zoey,
They were dancing around too!
We were finally excused,
And all I could say was,
“Thank You Teacher!”
Dork Diaries
Hello Blog! Instead of writing in my diary, (which takes forever by the way) I’ve decided to post on my blog. Anyway, guess what happened today! I had another Big Mac Attack today! Brandon and I found a dog with the name of Holly. She was sitting by the door of Fuzzy Friends with a note that stated:
Dear Fuzzy Friends,
Unfortunately, I had to move into a senior citizen building and no pets are allowed. I love Holly very much, so please take care of her and her critters! I know you will find her a wonderful home. Thank you for your kindness!
What does that mean? Her critters? Brandon and I look in the box, and see puppies! After a lot of debating, we decided to take turns watching Holly and her pups.
I went home and asked my mom if I could keep Holly for the night. (I left out the puppy part.) Let’s just say that went a little “ruff”. She said “ We just got the carpets redone and got brand new furniture. So sorry no dog here tonight.”
What?! No dog? That’s madness! My annoying little sister gets to keep a fish here for the weekend, but I can’t keep a dog here for a night?! Oh….. I get it now! It’s a fish!! It swims in its bathroom which is disgusting. Maybe I can build up the courage to tell Brandon tomorrow. Now I’m gonna get back to sulking in my bedroom.
So Long Blog,
That One Day
For a long time I’ve woken up to you,
Then that one day.
We were sitting together
Then all of a sudden,
You weren’t a regular fish anymore.
That one day,
You were a fish out of water.
I kicked! Screeched!
Anything to grasp attention!
But by the time mom walked into the room
You had stopped jumping.
That one day changed me forever,
That one day you inspired me to stay at my best
That one day,
I became a fish out of water.
Holocaust Reflections
In this Holocaust lesson I have learned that just because one person or thing is bad does not mean that all things are bad. Hitler thought that because one Jew was bad, that all of them were. For example, I once thought that because my old dog bit me, that all of my dogs would bite me, so I left them alone! Now I know that, that one dog was just having a bad day I guess! In the end, I learned that I will not judge or assume about anything without knowing about it first.
My second lesson learned would be to do what you believe in. Hitler wanted to be an artist, his mother encouraged that but his father had no faith. He stuck to being an artist, went to art school, and was told by his teacher to give up because he had no talent. This has never happened to me, but I would say to be careful because if that happened to me I would probably feel like I had no talent or anything! All in all, I have learned to stick to what I believe in no matter what people think.
Diary Entries
Dear Diary,
Tonight my mother told me that my best friend Ellen will be staying the night with us for possibly a few nights. Soon after, my father told me that we were actually hiding Ellen.
I’m scared. My father said that he wished to protect us from this knowledge. What is this knowledge? Is it bad? Is it classified? I have no idea. Why do they want to capture all of the Jews? My ten year old mind is completely lost.
Ellen is the new Lise , Papa had said. She and I are pretending to be sisters. I don’t think that we will have to work very hard to do that.
Right now I’m so glad that we are so close to the Rosen’s or Ellen would be captured by the Danish right now.
Until Next Time,
Newspaper Article
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