My Best 2014 Memory and 2015 Goal!
My Favorite 2014 Memory
When I look back on the marvelous year of 2014, I remember when I first signed up for Michelle’s All Stars Competition, in a big wide gym on White Oak Road. When I signed up I knew it was going to take lots of work and effort, so I practiced right away!
My 2015 Goal
In this glorious New Year of 2015, I would love to go to Nationals with my All Star twirling team this May! We practice only once a week so my team and I can get our routine down, that means we have to work hard and give effort. If we keep up the great and amazing work we have an amazing chance of bringing home the gold!
Life in 5th grade
Life in 5th grade is different than 4th grade and 3rd grade. In 3rd grade we were the babies again 4th grade was the middle kids and now in 5th grade we are the oldest we are the seniors! Every morning I get a great feeling because I know that I am the one of the oldest kids in the entire school, I love waking up to that every morning when I get ready for school.
Maximillion Sunflower
The Maximillion Sunflower grows mainly in the central part of the United States. The average success with this species is seventy percent, and they may grow three to ten feet tall. Numerous bright yellow petals, are found on the upper half of the unbranched stems. The Maximillion doesn’t seem to be tempermental about soil, but requires full sun. The leaves are four to eight inches in length tapering on both ends. The germination is seven to twenty-five days. Maximillions are readily grazed by cattle and deer. The scientific classification name is Asteraceace, and the scientific name is Helianthus Maximilliani. It is a true perinnial requiring two years to become established. This information was found on Texas Aggie Horticulture web site.
Colorful Poetry
Violets are blue.
Roses are red.
I stash candy when it’s time for bed.
Cherries are red
Blueberries are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you.
Irises are purple
Cherries are red
When winter is here,
Bears lay in their bed.
Racoons are black
Bears are brown
When your’e running from a bear,
You always have a frown
Chocolate is brown .
The sky is blue
I’m so happy
I’m related to you!
Hearts are red
Lillies are white
I eat a honeysuckle
To lower my apetite!